Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Nagin Works Both Sides of Aisle for Aid

If there is one thing that ordinary people such as myself need to understand about the aftermath of Katrina is that poltical leaders who are confronted with the welfare of the people that elect them often exhibit emotions that we just quite understand. The comment by Mayor Nagin about God not having the best interests of his city at heart was an unfortunate one, but completely understandable. He is the centerpiece of a situation that likely manifested itself over a longer peiod of time, which he had no control over. When government leaders didn't feel that there would be a problem with the levees, then they were setting themselves up for all kinds of reprucussions moral, political, and otherwise. The moral reprucussions of ignoring the needs of a region, the political reprucussions of withholding aid until progress is made, and the erosion of confidence in elected leaders is a byproduct of a culture of exclusion. I am sure that Nagin was aware of these reprucussions, and he showed righteous indignation when progress was slow. But now, he is trying to work both sides of the political aisle while making untimely statements that in the long run do not help his rebuilding efforts. I hope that he recognizes the error of his ways, and shows better leadership. The people that he serves as a leader deserve nothing but his best.

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