Ten Reasons Why Blogging is My New Cup of Tea – Reason #10

At the risk of sounding like one of the old H&R Block television commercials, I wanted to elaborate on why I like blogging so much in descending order.
Reason #10: You can set your own blogging goals as high as you like.
Just recently, Darren Rowse over at Problogger held a group writing project in which he invited bloggers to share their goals collectively as a group. The idea was a good one, because for the 130 or so submissions, you learned a lot from everyone of them. Some folks want to be an A-List blogger with lots of traffic. Others want to be an “expert” in their niche areas. And still others have the ambition to turn attention to the political and current events of the day and point out the inevitable ironies in them.
When I started the Information Junkie, I had just three goals for starting the blog:
To finally concentrate on writing, which I have been told that I have great potential, but never fully exploited to the fullest [Translation: I was being lazy].
To share information about current events, technology, or sports that people may not be aware of.
To teach people about the potential of the internet, this is helped by explaining concepts in an easy-to-understand manner.
How have I done? Not too badly I think so far. I have had over 1000 unique visitors to my blog since December 2005, an average of at least 5 per day. They stay on the site an average of one minute and 45 seconds, and they read at least 1 page per day. I have had visitors from as far away as India and the United Kingdom. So at the very least, people do read what I write. I don’t know if they like what I write or not. But this does give me the incentive to keep at it. You will never know who your writing actually benefits or helps if you don’t continue to put forth the effort.
My main goal is to garner enough readership that I can interact with and can give me feedback to keep me going. I am adding this goal to my original list that I developed.
Problogger.net: Blogging Goals Group Writing Project
Lashawn Barber.com: I Am; Therefore, I Blog
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Original Post: Ten Reasons Why Blogging is My New Cup of Tea
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