Memories of the Way It Was

Darren Rowse has another group writing project going on at He asks about what things would you change/or not change if you had a chance to start your blog all over again.
Things I Would Change
· I would have chosen Word Press over Blogger for more flexibility in using plug-ins, etc.
· I would have developed a publication schedule to organize my time better.
· I would have found Problogger a lot sooner than I did. It is the best, along with Copyblogger the best how-to blog tutorial on the net. I have learned so much from his posts, and I try to incorporate some of his ideas into my blog.
· I would have chosen a three-column format that gives more flexibility in adding categories, plug-ins and advertising revenue streams.
Things I Would Not Change
· The decision to blog. It helped me resurrect my long dormant writing skills.
· The name of my blog.
· My writing style that hopefully gives you an insight into what kind of a writer and blogger that I am.
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If I Had It To Over Again Group Writing Project
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