Ten Reasons Why Blogging is My New Cup of Tea – Reason #5

Reason #5: People can read your writings in the years to come, even if you get bored with blogging.
I don’t think that I will ever get bored with blogging because I don’t think that you can ever run out of things to say. But as blogs come and go and bloggers get tired of updating them, there is an outlet for them in re-runs. The Internet Archive even has begun to archive some of the flagship blogs that users like to read such as Command Post, which was very popular during the 2004 election, but was shut down after 2 years of quality blogging.
From the site: (http://www.commandpost.org)
This Site Is A Weblog Landmark
When we created The Command Post on 20 March, 2003,
it quickly generated a lot of attention, soon becoming the first massive-scale
group citizen journalism weblog. Over the next two years hundreds of people
contributed, we were credentialed to both 2004 presidential conventions, and
several of our pages were added to the Library of Congress MINERVA on-line
collection.Now, with the explosion of weblogs and Web 2.0 services such as
search, tagging, and Technorati, the Web itself has become a single,
massive-scale outlet for citizen journalism. One simply doesn't need Command
Post much anymore, but we're keeping the site up as an archive ... a small
historical landmark along the hyperlink highway. "Oh, look, honey," Web
travelers might say, "here's where average people around the world first
collaboratively reported and documented history for themselves on a global
scale." Something may happen one day that warrants reactivation of the network,
but until then, please read and enjoy. Journalism for the people, by the people.
It's a beautiful thing. Thanks for all your support ~ Alan & Michele
I don’t know if my popularity will get to that level, but it is nice to know that there is a retirement home for old bloggers to go to.
Problogger.net: Blogging Goals Group Writing Project
Lashawn Barber.com: I Am; Therefore, I Blog
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Original Post: Ten Reasons Why Blogging is My New Cup of Tea
Reason #9: You can start and stop anytime you like.
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