After a few months of starting and stopping, I have finally found a concept for my blog. I am an information junkie. I guess I picked this trait up from my father, who would buy the Sunday paper from three different national newspapers ( NY Times, Chicago Tribune, and Chicago SunTimes) just to get a different perspective. I am a lot like him, but I use the Internet to do it. In my spare time, I just like to cruise the web for websites that could either teach me something, or would let me just have fun. I am often asked to find information for people, so the first thing that I do is use the Web.
And why not? The Internet has so many places that you can explore. I even admit sometimes, I could stay on all day just to find out something new. My first job was as a research assistant, so I spend an awful lot of time reading, and less time writing. I guess that is what blogs are for huh?
I will give you a link that I like every one or two days that I have found useful, and I hope that you enjoy. If you need for me to find a link for some mundane subject such as basket weaving, let me know that too!!
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