How I Made It Through 2006 As A Newbie Blogger Without Losing The Rest of My Hair

Darren Rowse over at started a group writing project earlier this year that helped me set some very specific goals for this blog so I can commit to putting in the time to take it to the next level of visibility in the blogosphere. It is always good to re-evaluate your goals to see just exactly where you are. The goal that I set for myself was to increase my writing in order to get more than five readers a day viewing my content. In this year-end review, (which is Darren’s final group writing project for the year) I will revisit the specific steps that I tried to use to achieve this goal:
1. Enter more blog carnivals on a weekly basis: I entered blog carnivals a lot when I first started blogging, but it fell off when I got consumed with other family-oriented priorities such as buying a new house and selling my old one.
2. Define the purpose of my blog: I narrowed the purpose of my blog to one that highlights information that an average person would find interesting and perhaps pass it along to a friend or a neighbor who can benefit by using it. The term “junkie” my have a negative connotation, but it certainly wasn’t meant that way. I don’t have an addiction to information, just a passion for seeing it.
3. Post more consistently: I got distracted in the middle of the year, when I was looking for a new house and tried to sell my old one. So my blogging would have huge gaps in them, sometimes going days without posting anything. I need to be more consistent with this in 2007; the good thing is that I am settled into my new house and can contentrate more about posting more frequently.
4. Participate in more forums: Same old story, need more time to be more effective.
5. Invite more feedback from readers: Linkbaiting seems to be effective for most bloggers, I want to understand more of how it works so it can be successful for me in 2007.
The good thing about 2006 was that even though I posted lightly, I was deemed an active member and contributor to the blogosphere by Time Magazine .
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